Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Constitution Powerpoint Group Projects - Due April 3rd for presentation in class

Town hall presentations are on April 14th... our winning presentations from each class will attend to present their power point

We have to send our winners to Teaching Matters by April 7th... We will be working on selecting a winner onThursday, April 3rd. Every group will be presenting... each member of the group will present their slide... you will get an individual grade and a group grade as well as a presentation grade (3 grades)

This is a persuasive project... make your side convincing...

No more than 6 slides which means each group member should take 1 slide... (The cover doesn't count as someone's work)

Slide 1 - Title slide - Title, not just topic, names and World Journalism Preparatory School

Slide 2 - Background info and definition of issue - present the issue for or against

Slide 3 - Current events -How it relates to the constitution- what amendment is it using? - present the issue for or against, cite at least 2 cases happening in the news recently-

Slide 4 - Opposing view - the opposite of what you have decided your group is supporting and refute it (or reconfirm your point of view)

Slide 5 - Conclusion and Recommendation - to persuade the audience to take your side... they need to take action

Slide 6 - Works Cited (Source page)

Images: put the source of the image below the image or on the source page, but all images must be cited.

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