Friday, June 27, 2008

HeHeHeHe <333 =]

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL summer!!!!!!! =] <333
Love you all xoxoxoxo =] muuuhhhaaazzz

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I hope everyone has a GREAT summer! See you guys in 8th Grade

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To Sir With Love

So we watched an old movie in class today about a special teacher who helps his students understand what is really important in each of their lives... he teaches them to respect themselves and others...

What did everyone think of the movie? I hope you loved it as much as I do, but I suspect that it was a little too dated for a lot of you... curious to know what you think.

Ms. Sackstein

For class tomorrow, just bring your five dollars for the party on Thursday and nothing else... water if you would like... no other beverages.

Thursday, June 27th... the last day of school

You will report to school (don't forget to give in your 5 dollars no later than tomorrow - Wednesday, 6/26) for the 7th grade party.

The schedule for Thursday:

Period 2 - 8:10-8:40
Period 3 - 8:42 - 9:40
Period 4 - 9:42 - 11:00
Advisory- 11:00 - 12:03
Dismissal - 12:03
There will be no lunch

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Portfolio Reminder

Please don't forget to bring your showcase portfolio (9 pieces with reflections and narratives for subject areas) to school tomorrow.

Make sure to have a pen too.

Bringing bottled water is always a good idea as I have no idea how hot school will be tomorrow.

Friday, June 20, 2008

School Year Reflection/Musing

As I was watching each of you write your reflections over the past few days, it made me want to sit down and do some reflecting of my own. For me, this year started off a little bumpy. I got thrown a curve ball and my expectation wasn't met. I was hired to teach 10th grade English and ended up teaching 7th grade Humanities. At first, I only thought it was 7th grade English only to find out that it would be social studies too, the day before we had to report to classes. I found myself a little bitter and resentful because I wasn't prepared (and I like to be prepared).

So the first month was a challenge. I had an advisory and then I didn't. I was teaching too many classes and then I wasn't. Straddling the middle and high school was tough, but eventually I found my groove. The first high point for me was having the opportunity to do the Community Map project. I spent all day Sunday drawing my map and writing my stories to make a model for each of you only to ruin it before I got into class when I spilled my coffee on it. I was disappointed, but still proud of my work. I did my best to try and clean up the drips. Each of you responded to my sharing my work really well and I began to feel inspired to teach you despite how unqualified I felt to teach your age group.

Before the time I didn't feel like I was doing a good job. I could tell my vocabulary was tough for you and so many of you were afraid to ask me to explain myself which made me feel badly. But as we moved into the more social studies work with different group work assignments we had and I got to know each of you better, I really felt good about teaching our humanities class.

Once I hit my stride, you guys were doing projects and classwork well. But when we had that impromptu debate about the Boston Massacre, I really felt like I had made it. You were all asking such sophisticated questions and you were engaged and interested. There is no better feeling as a teacher to see all of your students involved.

Conferencing with each of you on writing, or having some of you in during the morning reading group also gave me an opportunity to get to know some of you more. You offered me the opportunity to push you and met me at challenge. I really enjoyed watching you learn.

The projects continually got more sophisticated and yes, everytime a new one was given we heard the usual chorus of "oohs and ahs" and "ah no, not another ones". Yet, your reflections were getting stronger and your writing better. You were reading primary sources and original documents and comparing them. But mostly you were doing it on your own even with the complaining.

You all have impressed and inspired me this year. I noticed it the most during the exit project presentations. Each of you took ownership of your hard work and proudly taught the class what you had done. For a second, or two, you had the opportunity to see what it is like to be in front of the class and know something so well that you could share it and answer questions. Thank you for making me proud, but more importantly know for yourself what a wonderful accomplishment this year has been. Your bodies of work are abundant and you should be proud of where you have come.

As a teacher, this year has given me so much. I wasn't prepared for it, but it tested my ability to be flexible. It forced me to remember why I teach. It's the amazing shimmer in each of your eyes when you get something for the first time. Or when you see your potential, the way I see it and all the pushing and all the work is worthwhile. I know I'm tough, but I try to do it with kindness and consistency. I try to treat everyone they way they deserve to be treated. I feel like a better teacher after this experience. Much like a lot of you, I dragged my feet in the beginning almost unwilling to accept where I was, only to discover that the opportunity would enrich me in a way I didn't know possible. (and each of you have a better vocabulary for it:-)

I enjoyed having the opportunity to brush up on so many things I haven't thought about in a really long time. It forced me to be a better citizen. In an election year, in particular, I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to be reminded of the amazing freedoms we have in our country. I mean, sure we have made a lot of mistakes as a country and may continue to do so, but who hasn't as an individual? Overall, we do a lot of things right and we celebrated that in our class. We also questioned what we didn't agree with and we can do that in our country too. That is another freedom we have, the ability to question our leaders and make a real difference.

Thank you for all the wonderful memories and moments. Although I won't be teaching middle school next year, I will still be around. I will come to fitness in the morning and I will keep the book club running. If any of you ever need me, I won't be far away. Never hesitate to ask for help.

A few highlights for me from the year:
Putting out 3 newspapers with some help from my seventh and eighth graders
Community Map presentations
Boston Massacre Debates
13 colony skits and scrapbook gallery walk
constitution presentations - and competition
Philadelphia Trip
Triangular Trade lesson
Revolutionary War Blogs
Many jigsaws
Reading your slavery poetry
working with Ms. G and watching you all work with Ms. G
Revision, revision, revision... watching your writing improve
Exit projects
Spirit Week - sports nights in particular (basketball and volleyball)
Fitness - kickball ... I love playing on my seventh grader team, we rock... unobstructed homeruns all the way... don't forget to push the "red button"
Reading your portfolio reflections...

Have a great summer.

Last Day of School

Thursday is the last day of school. It will end after 4th period at 12:03.

Everything must be cleaned out of your lockers prior to that time.

All books must be returned.

For Monday:

Make sure to bring in your showcase portfolio (9 selected pieces from all subject areas with individual reflections, subject area narratives, overview/general narrative)

and a pen...

We will be doing gallery walks (taking time to celebrate each other's work by reading what we wrote and commenting on it) on Monday - Wednesday.

Looking forward to enjoying everyone's work

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm very sorry I didn't visit today as planned. I had a last minute doctors appointment that was only scheduled last night. I'm not sure when I can come but I probably will and will notify you sometime before. The doctors appointment went well. I'm going to have an MRI sometime next week. An MRI is a medical test. You lie down on a table that goes into a small surrounding cylinder tube. You have to stay very still. It take pictures of the inside of your body. Its very loud, small, and claustrophobic! It will be my 3rd one in 2 months! I really don't like having them. Luckily, you are allowed to take a stuffed animal in and wear a blindfold. You can sleep too. They are only supposed to take a half an hour or so, although if they have to take a lot of pictures it can take longer. My first one took 3 hours!!! Can you imagine lying still for that long in a small tube? They did give me some breaks while they would change my position though. My second one also took longer than planned. Instead of the 15 minutes they told me it was about 45. Lets hope this one is much shorter. I'll post the results of the MRI when I get them. It will probably be on Monday. If not I'll tell you when.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. I've been super busy! I'm visiting again tomorrow! Today I had my last checkup at the hospital! My doctors are really pleased with my progress and have scheduled one last test for some time next week. I just have to visit with my pediatrician. I now walk with a cane! You might remember that when I last visited I told you guys I hated my wheel chair and thought it was really ugly, so to make me happy my parents and sister got me a leopard print cane. It's really cool. Physical therapy is going... well. I'm still weak so it gets very tiring. Some other big news is that at the rate I'm going I should be able to go to sleep away camp. I go every summer and was very upset when I found out I might not be able to. My doctors say if I'm strong enough it would be great for me- mentally and physically. My parents have arranged for a physical therapist to visit me there 3 times a week. Thats really all for now...
- Olivia ;)

Make up work

all make up work is due by class on Friday, 6/20. Please turn work in soon.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Treasure hunt quiz

Okay, I need to make this missing blog post up,

I don't check the blog everyday, so I was really supprised to find out we were having a quiz on the online treasure hunt. If I knew I would've studied, and I check the blog more often now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

paralell events

ms sackstein i did the paralell events post and it still on my missing work


freedom of speech "]

hi every one . i was really thinking about 7O2 class freedom of speech talk about should kids have freedom of speech and i think they should becuase students know allot and kids have a right becuase they are humans ; they should have equal rights . and alon becuase adults can take advantege of a stsudents thinking and desions .

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Reminders about missing work

Good morning everyone,

I was just reviewing teacherease and a whole bunch of you are missing a lot of work... please check your teacherease at your earliest convenience and make sure everything is accurate. If you did work and have neglected to hand it in, please make sure to get it to me soon.

Also, major projects in particular, get something to me that shows me that you have at least approached the standards...
poetry projects
cause and effect essay (American Revolution)
compare/contrast essay (Washington/Adams OR American Revolution/War of 1812)
Historical Fiction Narrative
Exit Project
Constitution Projects

Please make a conference with me to go over any or all missing work.

Enjoy your father's day with your families.

See you tomorrow...

those of you attending the field trip on Tuesday, please return your permission slips.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Olivia Drimer

It was so nice to see Olivia today. I'm glad to see that she is doing better. Remember what Ms.Sackstein said, to think about what you want to do with Olivia when she visits again. Have a Great Weekend!!!

Permission Slips

Please make sure to bring in permission slips by Monday... thanks

Constitution Rewind...

We are going to be showing our presentations again on Tuesday, 6/17. This means if you went the first time, please come to school prepared on Tuesday in full uniform.

Rachel Ann Giambrone
Emma M
Cassandra N

Mike O

Wish them good luck again folks...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hi. I had my usual Wednesday checkup today. Nothing big. My doctors say I'm making progress and doing well. I went by car this time instead of ambulance- surprisingly it was pretty easy. My doctors are fine with me visiting, so I might see you guys soon.
- Olivia ;)

The internet is up again...

Here is who will present tomorrow... 702 will be switching with 731 period 3.

So here is who will go:


Ning Ning

For Friday:


all presentations are subject to change...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hey! Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment and I am well enough to travel by car! I will find out if my doctors approve of me visiting you guys at school. Technically I'm not a student at WJPS anymore- when you are put into the home schooling district you are automatically discharged from your school however when you are finished with home schooling you are automatically re-registered at your school. That means that when I come to visit I can't get any credit it for it lol. Physical therapy gets tougher as I go along but I'm hanging in there. Ironically I'm really busy most of the time either with PT, home schooling, Hebrew home schooling, visitors, or the lots of homework I get from my tutor which thankfully is optional. By the time most of you read this it will probably be tomorrow since it's kinda late. I'll write another post after my visit with my multiple doctors.
-- Olivia <3


Due to my sudden need to go home today, all presentations will be pushed back one day... Tomorrow I believe that 702 and 731 will only have one period each... I need to talk to Ms. Song about switching one of the periods as 702 will be going to the Renaissance Fair 2nd period.

Everyone set to go today will go tomorrow... and so on.

Presenting tomorrow, Wed. 6/11


Ning Ning

Due to Thursday's short day, our double period on Wed. will serve to make up that time... so I pushed everyone up.

School ends on Thursday on 12.

Friday will be our last day of presentations (hopefully) and next week will be all about portfolio reflection.

Please come to school prepared with bottled water and light clothing.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The presentations have begun...

If all goes well today, here are the people presenting tomorrow - Tuesday, 6/10

Rachel Sui

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hey! I just received your letters, poster, and other gifts! Thanks sooo much! They were really thoughtful and cheery! I'm doing better and working hard in physical therapy. Physical therapy isn't so bad- my doctors say swimming is the best thing so thats what I did today. Luckily, I could do it in the privacy of my own home as I have a pool in my backyard. I think I might visit this week (Thursday or Friday) if it's okay with my doctors. I might be walking without my walker by then. Not much else to report!
-Olivia :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Presenting on Monday, 6/9

702 -

Rachel Ann

Please come prepared

Thursday, June 5, 2008

bibliography question

heyy when you do a bibliography and you are supposed write the date that you went on the cite, what do you do if you dont remember it?- thx rachel-ann <3

Blog Invitations...

I am still missing 2 people's blogs from my dashboard... Not sure who they are... Not everyone's names are on their titles, so I can't figure it out without going through all of them...

Check your blog and see if my name appears as a contributor...

If I don't please invite me as an author to

and email me to let me know that you are the missing links!


What to present on...

Why did you choose this topic?
How did you do the project? (walk us through your work... it will be projected while you present)
What genres did you do and why?
Where did you get your info from?

You will need to answer questions from the class on your work
You can prepare an activity (print your game for instance) or a question to get the class to write about in their writer's sourcebook to reflect on what you teach them

It should be 10-15 minutes long
Be aware of your audience
Don't be afraid to express your informed opinion

Blog Projects are Due by TOMORROW MORNING

Please don't forget that your exit projects are due and should be complete by tomorrow morning when you get to school.

Don't forget to include 10 genres-
one should be a glossary
statement of process
pictures with citations

Can't wait to start discussing your hard work. See you tomorrow.

(I'm in school now:-)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

urgent question

how do we put the crossword on our blog?
Hey guys! I promised I would keep you updated so here goes... I had a doctors appointment today at the hospital. I have them weekly. Since I can't walk I'm transported by ambulance which is actually pretty cool. My doctors say I'm making progress. They took out my PIC line and put me on oral medication which made me really happy because believe it or not its really annoying to have a needle in your arm! Here comes the biggest news of the day- I took my first steps today!!!!! It was very painful but very exciting. I hadn't walked in exactly a month! My pain is still pretty bad but much better than it was and. I've been moving my legs a lot more and sat up without help the other day which was pretty big. Some of you asked if it was scary- while I was in the hospital it was pretty scary but being home relaxed me and raised my spirits. Sometimes I still get scared when I think about what could have happened if the doctor didn't catch it when they did. I'm more bored than scared. I'm getting better everyday and I really appreciate your concern and sympathy. TTYL!
- Olivia :p

Speaking and Listening Standards

What did you learn while reading the standards today? How have we used these standards? How will they function for this particular assignment?

Please post your ideas here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The rest of this week

Tomorrow in class we will be discussing your blog presentations... please consider what you think makes a good presentation and be ready to discuss in class tomorrow for when we go over the speaking and listening standards.

Notebooks will continue to be checked through Friday.

Exit project blogs are due on Friday with all information, proper citation, statement of process and reflections.

Please make sure you know when you are scheduled to present. Some adjustments may need to be made based on Thursday next week being a short day.

There is no school on Thursday this week (June 5)

Tomorrow night is publications night at Barnes and Noble (Wed. June 4th) If you said you would be attending, please see Ms. Reed.

Readers and Writers sourcebooks

Please make sure to have both notebooks in class tomorrow if I haven't checked your work yet. Please check Teacher Ease and then you will know if you have been checked.

Please no excuses tomorrow. Friday will be the last day.
As some of you may know I am very sick and was in the hospital for two weeks. I have a staff infection in my hip joint. You may of heard of a staff infections on the news- they can be deadly. Luckily, I got to the hospital early enough and was immediately put on the right antibiotics. My infection is not contagious but I may have gotten it from somebody who was. I'm sad to say I will most likely not be returning to school for the rest of year and am being home schooled. I will however, be back next year. Maybe when I'm stronger I'll visit. I am not able to walk but with a lot of physical therapy I should fully recover. I'm currently at home and on intravenous antibiotics. That is when they insert a needle in your arm attached to a tube that is connected to a bag of liquid medicine. The medicine travels through your blood stream. I have a special one called a PIC line- it lasts for a very long time. Normal intravenous lines are changed every couple of days. Thought you guys would like to know I'm okay and getting better everyday! I'll keep you updated. I have a doctors appointment Wednesday and maybe some more tests.
:) Olivia

Let's talk about reading and writing standards

In class today each of you were given different standards and indicators of the writing and reading strands... what did you learn? How does it relate to this final project and other work we've done this year?

How can you achieve a 4 on your exit project? What do you think? (visit the other post from late April about the criteria for assessment)