Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hey! Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment and I am well enough to travel by car! I will find out if my doctors approve of me visiting you guys at school. Technically I'm not a student at WJPS anymore- when you are put into the home schooling district you are automatically discharged from your school however when you are finished with home schooling you are automatically re-registered at your school. That means that when I come to visit I can't get any credit it for it lol. Physical therapy gets tougher as I go along but I'm hanging in there. Ironically I'm really busy most of the time either with PT, home schooling, Hebrew home schooling, visitors, or the lots of homework I get from my tutor which thankfully is optional. By the time most of you read this it will probably be tomorrow since it's kinda late. I'll write another post after my visit with my multiple doctors.
-- Olivia <3

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