Sunday, June 15, 2008

Reminders about missing work

Good morning everyone,

I was just reviewing teacherease and a whole bunch of you are missing a lot of work... please check your teacherease at your earliest convenience and make sure everything is accurate. If you did work and have neglected to hand it in, please make sure to get it to me soon.

Also, major projects in particular, get something to me that shows me that you have at least approached the standards...
poetry projects
cause and effect essay (American Revolution)
compare/contrast essay (Washington/Adams OR American Revolution/War of 1812)
Historical Fiction Narrative
Exit Project
Constitution Projects

Please make a conference with me to go over any or all missing work.

Enjoy your father's day with your families.

See you tomorrow...

those of you attending the field trip on Tuesday, please return your permission slips.

1 comment:

Andrea Quintana said...

I did all my missing work but I don't how i'm suppose to do the Self-Assessment Inventory, is it suppose to be a reflection or a story?