Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Checking in

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone's summer is going well. I've been spending a lot of time with Logan and my cats and doing some classes to get ready for the new school year which isn't too far away surprisingly enough!

What has everyone been doing? Has anyone read any good books or learned anything interesting?

Share it with us!

Speak to everyone soon,
Ms. S

Monday, July 7, 2008


Hey, its pretty boring here in Costa Rica. Do you guys recommend any movies????

Friday, June 27, 2008

HeHeHeHe <333 =]

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL summer!!!!!!! =] <333
Love you all xoxoxoxo =] muuuhhhaaazzz

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I hope everyone has a GREAT summer! See you guys in 8th Grade

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To Sir With Love

So we watched an old movie in class today about a special teacher who helps his students understand what is really important in each of their lives... he teaches them to respect themselves and others...

What did everyone think of the movie? I hope you loved it as much as I do, but I suspect that it was a little too dated for a lot of you... curious to know what you think.

Ms. Sackstein

For class tomorrow, just bring your five dollars for the party on Thursday and nothing else... water if you would like... no other beverages.

Thursday, June 27th... the last day of school

You will report to school (don't forget to give in your 5 dollars no later than tomorrow - Wednesday, 6/26) for the 7th grade party.

The schedule for Thursday:

Period 2 - 8:10-8:40
Period 3 - 8:42 - 9:40
Period 4 - 9:42 - 11:00
Advisory- 11:00 - 12:03
Dismissal - 12:03
There will be no lunch

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Portfolio Reminder

Please don't forget to bring your showcase portfolio (9 pieces with reflections and narratives for subject areas) to school tomorrow.

Make sure to have a pen too.

Bringing bottled water is always a good idea as I have no idea how hot school will be tomorrow.

Friday, June 20, 2008

School Year Reflection/Musing

As I was watching each of you write your reflections over the past few days, it made me want to sit down and do some reflecting of my own. For me, this year started off a little bumpy. I got thrown a curve ball and my expectation wasn't met. I was hired to teach 10th grade English and ended up teaching 7th grade Humanities. At first, I only thought it was 7th grade English only to find out that it would be social studies too, the day before we had to report to classes. I found myself a little bitter and resentful because I wasn't prepared (and I like to be prepared).

So the first month was a challenge. I had an advisory and then I didn't. I was teaching too many classes and then I wasn't. Straddling the middle and high school was tough, but eventually I found my groove. The first high point for me was having the opportunity to do the Community Map project. I spent all day Sunday drawing my map and writing my stories to make a model for each of you only to ruin it before I got into class when I spilled my coffee on it. I was disappointed, but still proud of my work. I did my best to try and clean up the drips. Each of you responded to my sharing my work really well and I began to feel inspired to teach you despite how unqualified I felt to teach your age group.

Before the time I didn't feel like I was doing a good job. I could tell my vocabulary was tough for you and so many of you were afraid to ask me to explain myself which made me feel badly. But as we moved into the more social studies work with different group work assignments we had and I got to know each of you better, I really felt good about teaching our humanities class.

Once I hit my stride, you guys were doing projects and classwork well. But when we had that impromptu debate about the Boston Massacre, I really felt like I had made it. You were all asking such sophisticated questions and you were engaged and interested. There is no better feeling as a teacher to see all of your students involved.

Conferencing with each of you on writing, or having some of you in during the morning reading group also gave me an opportunity to get to know some of you more. You offered me the opportunity to push you and met me at challenge. I really enjoyed watching you learn.

The projects continually got more sophisticated and yes, everytime a new one was given we heard the usual chorus of "oohs and ahs" and "ah no, not another ones". Yet, your reflections were getting stronger and your writing better. You were reading primary sources and original documents and comparing them. But mostly you were doing it on your own even with the complaining.

You all have impressed and inspired me this year. I noticed it the most during the exit project presentations. Each of you took ownership of your hard work and proudly taught the class what you had done. For a second, or two, you had the opportunity to see what it is like to be in front of the class and know something so well that you could share it and answer questions. Thank you for making me proud, but more importantly know for yourself what a wonderful accomplishment this year has been. Your bodies of work are abundant and you should be proud of where you have come.

As a teacher, this year has given me so much. I wasn't prepared for it, but it tested my ability to be flexible. It forced me to remember why I teach. It's the amazing shimmer in each of your eyes when you get something for the first time. Or when you see your potential, the way I see it and all the pushing and all the work is worthwhile. I know I'm tough, but I try to do it with kindness and consistency. I try to treat everyone they way they deserve to be treated. I feel like a better teacher after this experience. Much like a lot of you, I dragged my feet in the beginning almost unwilling to accept where I was, only to discover that the opportunity would enrich me in a way I didn't know possible. (and each of you have a better vocabulary for it:-)

I enjoyed having the opportunity to brush up on so many things I haven't thought about in a really long time. It forced me to be a better citizen. In an election year, in particular, I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to be reminded of the amazing freedoms we have in our country. I mean, sure we have made a lot of mistakes as a country and may continue to do so, but who hasn't as an individual? Overall, we do a lot of things right and we celebrated that in our class. We also questioned what we didn't agree with and we can do that in our country too. That is another freedom we have, the ability to question our leaders and make a real difference.

Thank you for all the wonderful memories and moments. Although I won't be teaching middle school next year, I will still be around. I will come to fitness in the morning and I will keep the book club running. If any of you ever need me, I won't be far away. Never hesitate to ask for help.

A few highlights for me from the year:
Putting out 3 newspapers with some help from my seventh and eighth graders
Community Map presentations
Boston Massacre Debates
13 colony skits and scrapbook gallery walk
constitution presentations - and competition
Philadelphia Trip
Triangular Trade lesson
Revolutionary War Blogs
Many jigsaws
Reading your slavery poetry
working with Ms. G and watching you all work with Ms. G
Revision, revision, revision... watching your writing improve
Exit projects
Spirit Week - sports nights in particular (basketball and volleyball)
Fitness - kickball ... I love playing on my seventh grader team, we rock... unobstructed homeruns all the way... don't forget to push the "red button"
Reading your portfolio reflections...

Have a great summer.

Last Day of School

Thursday is the last day of school. It will end after 4th period at 12:03.

Everything must be cleaned out of your lockers prior to that time.

All books must be returned.

For Monday:

Make sure to bring in your showcase portfolio (9 selected pieces from all subject areas with individual reflections, subject area narratives, overview/general narrative)

and a pen...

We will be doing gallery walks (taking time to celebrate each other's work by reading what we wrote and commenting on it) on Monday - Wednesday.

Looking forward to enjoying everyone's work

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm very sorry I didn't visit today as planned. I had a last minute doctors appointment that was only scheduled last night. I'm not sure when I can come but I probably will and will notify you sometime before. The doctors appointment went well. I'm going to have an MRI sometime next week. An MRI is a medical test. You lie down on a table that goes into a small surrounding cylinder tube. You have to stay very still. It take pictures of the inside of your body. Its very loud, small, and claustrophobic! It will be my 3rd one in 2 months! I really don't like having them. Luckily, you are allowed to take a stuffed animal in and wear a blindfold. You can sleep too. They are only supposed to take a half an hour or so, although if they have to take a lot of pictures it can take longer. My first one took 3 hours!!! Can you imagine lying still for that long in a small tube? They did give me some breaks while they would change my position though. My second one also took longer than planned. Instead of the 15 minutes they told me it was about 45. Lets hope this one is much shorter. I'll post the results of the MRI when I get them. It will probably be on Monday. If not I'll tell you when.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. I've been super busy! I'm visiting again tomorrow! Today I had my last checkup at the hospital! My doctors are really pleased with my progress and have scheduled one last test for some time next week. I just have to visit with my pediatrician. I now walk with a cane! You might remember that when I last visited I told you guys I hated my wheel chair and thought it was really ugly, so to make me happy my parents and sister got me a leopard print cane. It's really cool. Physical therapy is going... well. I'm still weak so it gets very tiring. Some other big news is that at the rate I'm going I should be able to go to sleep away camp. I go every summer and was very upset when I found out I might not be able to. My doctors say if I'm strong enough it would be great for me- mentally and physically. My parents have arranged for a physical therapist to visit me there 3 times a week. Thats really all for now...
- Olivia ;)

Make up work

all make up work is due by class on Friday, 6/20. Please turn work in soon.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Treasure hunt quiz

Okay, I need to make this missing blog post up,

I don't check the blog everyday, so I was really supprised to find out we were having a quiz on the online treasure hunt. If I knew I would've studied, and I check the blog more often now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

paralell events

ms sackstein i did the paralell events post and it still on my missing work


freedom of speech "]

hi every one . i was really thinking about 7O2 class freedom of speech talk about should kids have freedom of speech and i think they should becuase students know allot and kids have a right becuase they are humans ; they should have equal rights . and alon becuase adults can take advantege of a stsudents thinking and desions .

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Reminders about missing work

Good morning everyone,

I was just reviewing teacherease and a whole bunch of you are missing a lot of work... please check your teacherease at your earliest convenience and make sure everything is accurate. If you did work and have neglected to hand it in, please make sure to get it to me soon.

Also, major projects in particular, get something to me that shows me that you have at least approached the standards...
poetry projects
cause and effect essay (American Revolution)
compare/contrast essay (Washington/Adams OR American Revolution/War of 1812)
Historical Fiction Narrative
Exit Project
Constitution Projects

Please make a conference with me to go over any or all missing work.

Enjoy your father's day with your families.

See you tomorrow...

those of you attending the field trip on Tuesday, please return your permission slips.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Olivia Drimer

It was so nice to see Olivia today. I'm glad to see that she is doing better. Remember what Ms.Sackstein said, to think about what you want to do with Olivia when she visits again. Have a Great Weekend!!!

Permission Slips

Please make sure to bring in permission slips by Monday... thanks

Constitution Rewind...

We are going to be showing our presentations again on Tuesday, 6/17. This means if you went the first time, please come to school prepared on Tuesday in full uniform.

Rachel Ann Giambrone
Emma M
Cassandra N

Mike O

Wish them good luck again folks...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hi. I had my usual Wednesday checkup today. Nothing big. My doctors say I'm making progress and doing well. I went by car this time instead of ambulance- surprisingly it was pretty easy. My doctors are fine with me visiting, so I might see you guys soon.
- Olivia ;)

The internet is up again...

Here is who will present tomorrow... 702 will be switching with 731 period 3.

So here is who will go:


Ning Ning

For Friday:


all presentations are subject to change...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hey! Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment and I am well enough to travel by car! I will find out if my doctors approve of me visiting you guys at school. Technically I'm not a student at WJPS anymore- when you are put into the home schooling district you are automatically discharged from your school however when you are finished with home schooling you are automatically re-registered at your school. That means that when I come to visit I can't get any credit it for it lol. Physical therapy gets tougher as I go along but I'm hanging in there. Ironically I'm really busy most of the time either with PT, home schooling, Hebrew home schooling, visitors, or the lots of homework I get from my tutor which thankfully is optional. By the time most of you read this it will probably be tomorrow since it's kinda late. I'll write another post after my visit with my multiple doctors.
-- Olivia <3


Due to my sudden need to go home today, all presentations will be pushed back one day... Tomorrow I believe that 702 and 731 will only have one period each... I need to talk to Ms. Song about switching one of the periods as 702 will be going to the Renaissance Fair 2nd period.

Everyone set to go today will go tomorrow... and so on.

Presenting tomorrow, Wed. 6/11


Ning Ning

Due to Thursday's short day, our double period on Wed. will serve to make up that time... so I pushed everyone up.

School ends on Thursday on 12.

Friday will be our last day of presentations (hopefully) and next week will be all about portfolio reflection.

Please come to school prepared with bottled water and light clothing.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The presentations have begun...

If all goes well today, here are the people presenting tomorrow - Tuesday, 6/10

Rachel Sui

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hey! I just received your letters, poster, and other gifts! Thanks sooo much! They were really thoughtful and cheery! I'm doing better and working hard in physical therapy. Physical therapy isn't so bad- my doctors say swimming is the best thing so thats what I did today. Luckily, I could do it in the privacy of my own home as I have a pool in my backyard. I think I might visit this week (Thursday or Friday) if it's okay with my doctors. I might be walking without my walker by then. Not much else to report!
-Olivia :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Presenting on Monday, 6/9

702 -

Rachel Ann

Please come prepared

Thursday, June 5, 2008

bibliography question

heyy when you do a bibliography and you are supposed write the date that you went on the cite, what do you do if you dont remember it?- thx rachel-ann <3

Blog Invitations...

I am still missing 2 people's blogs from my dashboard... Not sure who they are... Not everyone's names are on their titles, so I can't figure it out without going through all of them...

Check your blog and see if my name appears as a contributor...

If I don't please invite me as an author to

and email me to let me know that you are the missing links!


What to present on...

Why did you choose this topic?
How did you do the project? (walk us through your work... it will be projected while you present)
What genres did you do and why?
Where did you get your info from?

You will need to answer questions from the class on your work
You can prepare an activity (print your game for instance) or a question to get the class to write about in their writer's sourcebook to reflect on what you teach them

It should be 10-15 minutes long
Be aware of your audience
Don't be afraid to express your informed opinion

Blog Projects are Due by TOMORROW MORNING

Please don't forget that your exit projects are due and should be complete by tomorrow morning when you get to school.

Don't forget to include 10 genres-
one should be a glossary
statement of process
pictures with citations

Can't wait to start discussing your hard work. See you tomorrow.

(I'm in school now:-)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

urgent question

how do we put the crossword on our blog?
Hey guys! I promised I would keep you updated so here goes... I had a doctors appointment today at the hospital. I have them weekly. Since I can't walk I'm transported by ambulance which is actually pretty cool. My doctors say I'm making progress. They took out my PIC line and put me on oral medication which made me really happy because believe it or not its really annoying to have a needle in your arm! Here comes the biggest news of the day- I took my first steps today!!!!! It was very painful but very exciting. I hadn't walked in exactly a month! My pain is still pretty bad but much better than it was and. I've been moving my legs a lot more and sat up without help the other day which was pretty big. Some of you asked if it was scary- while I was in the hospital it was pretty scary but being home relaxed me and raised my spirits. Sometimes I still get scared when I think about what could have happened if the doctor didn't catch it when they did. I'm more bored than scared. I'm getting better everyday and I really appreciate your concern and sympathy. TTYL!
- Olivia :p

Speaking and Listening Standards

What did you learn while reading the standards today? How have we used these standards? How will they function for this particular assignment?

Please post your ideas here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The rest of this week

Tomorrow in class we will be discussing your blog presentations... please consider what you think makes a good presentation and be ready to discuss in class tomorrow for when we go over the speaking and listening standards.

Notebooks will continue to be checked through Friday.

Exit project blogs are due on Friday with all information, proper citation, statement of process and reflections.

Please make sure you know when you are scheduled to present. Some adjustments may need to be made based on Thursday next week being a short day.

There is no school on Thursday this week (June 5)

Tomorrow night is publications night at Barnes and Noble (Wed. June 4th) If you said you would be attending, please see Ms. Reed.

Readers and Writers sourcebooks

Please make sure to have both notebooks in class tomorrow if I haven't checked your work yet. Please check Teacher Ease and then you will know if you have been checked.

Please no excuses tomorrow. Friday will be the last day.
As some of you may know I am very sick and was in the hospital for two weeks. I have a staff infection in my hip joint. You may of heard of a staff infections on the news- they can be deadly. Luckily, I got to the hospital early enough and was immediately put on the right antibiotics. My infection is not contagious but I may have gotten it from somebody who was. I'm sad to say I will most likely not be returning to school for the rest of year and am being home schooled. I will however, be back next year. Maybe when I'm stronger I'll visit. I am not able to walk but with a lot of physical therapy I should fully recover. I'm currently at home and on intravenous antibiotics. That is when they insert a needle in your arm attached to a tube that is connected to a bag of liquid medicine. The medicine travels through your blood stream. I have a special one called a PIC line- it lasts for a very long time. Normal intravenous lines are changed every couple of days. Thought you guys would like to know I'm okay and getting better everyday! I'll keep you updated. I have a doctors appointment Wednesday and maybe some more tests.
:) Olivia

Let's talk about reading and writing standards

In class today each of you were given different standards and indicators of the writing and reading strands... what did you learn? How does it relate to this final project and other work we've done this year?

How can you achieve a 4 on your exit project? What do you think? (visit the other post from late April about the criteria for assessment)

Friday, May 30, 2008

More information on the Mexican American War - a good site -Fort Scott Historic Site - a high school student's essay on the causes of the war - easy to understand site... offers good info.

Mexican-American War - supplementary from class work today - this interactive website gives excellent information to support what the documentary showed in class today...

Major ideas:

Manifest Destiny

Go through this website and post your thoughts about this war... what do you think? Was it a just war? Which side do you feel sympathetic toward and why?

Reminders for next week

Notebook checks begin on Monday and will go through Friday- both reading and writing sourcebooks - make sure you have them in class until they have both been checked...
start date will be 4/16 -
make sure to have a complete and detailed table of contents, titled and dated pages and good notes that show you do work in class and continue thinking about work outside of class.

There is a half day on Monday, 6/2. You will be dismissed at 12:00 - (after 4th period)

There is no school on Thursday, 6/5. It is Brooklyn/Queens Day - Enjoy the day (finish last minute work on your blogs)

Exit projects are due on Friday, 6/6

Looking to the future -
Blog presentations begin the week of 6/9 and will go on until they are done... most likely Friday if not Monday

Portfolio work will be going on as well

We have another half day on Thursday, 6/12 when you will be dismissed at 12:00 again.

Class Standards for the year...

We have been talking about the standards all year and as we begin to wind down it is a reflecting time...

Please review the following link to the standards for 7th grade... (I like this website because it makes the standards a little easier to understand)

There are 4 main standards, each with several sub-standards and performance indicators (things you could show you can do)...

Remember 7th grade isn't a commencement year, so if you aren't at a 3 or higher yet on all of them, it's not a big deal... just means you need to continue to work on them next year.

We will be looking at these standards next week - really working on them and reflecting about them...

look at them now and post any thoughts you have on the work we have done this year.

ELA Standards - reading strand - writing strand - Listening strand - speaking strand

Social Studies Standards - US and NY History - geography - government

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blog Invitations

Make sure I have been invited as an author not a reader...

If you don't see my name on the sidebar of contributors on your blog, then I haven't been invited. I am missing 4 or 5 people I think.

Please see me if you are one of these people.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I still don't get how do you made a glossary. So, do you type the important words and definition from ur blog post and make a glossary of what it mean?
whoever answer my question thanx

How to Cite...This is a great cite from Locust Valley High School

This whole research guide is very informative.

Blog presentations

In an effort to share all the hard work you have done, you will be giving blog project presentations the week of June 9th. In class today, everyone will sign up for an appointment to present.

Presenting is an opportunity for you to work on your speaking and listening standards in ELA.

It will also give us more time to reflect on the work we've done as a class. You should all be proud of the work you have done and sharing it publicly is an opportunity to give it to our learning community.

Glossaries are due on Thursday

This week, we will be revising in class. I expect everyone to have their glossaries ready by Thursday...

They should have the word, the part of speech and the definition. You may even want to include where the word appears or in your blog or how it is significant to the work you have done.

Remember, this is to help your readers. I would also encourage everyone to continue to work with their partners in these finishing stages... feedback from your peers is invaluable. If they don't understand what you are saying what will others feel about it.

A blog is a public forum and we will be sharing our work. As the next couple of weeks continue now expect to start sharing what you have learned in class.

Expect a lot of reflecting... expect a lot of writing and sharing... as well as listening to others share the same.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello and almost Welcome back

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend.

Just a reminder, please make sure to print your blog posts, especially your sources for tomorrow's class. You will need your source information in class tomorrow as we will be working on proper citation. It would be a good idea to have all typed posts so that we can continue to work on revisions.

If you don't print your posts, then you will not be able to work on them in class as we won't have access to the laptops.

See you in class tomorrow (come prepared, please!)

all smiles,
Ms. S

Saturday, May 24, 2008



Thursday, May 22, 2008


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Project topics

I put it here so i don't have to go back to see it Again

Journal entries
1 act play
character profile - like a biography, offers stats and other important information. Can include a picture, but isn't just a picture. You can also do a resume with this for your person.
feature article
news article
book review
descriptive paragraph (using sensory details)
political cartoon
editorial or opinion piece
You should generate written drafts prior to posting... remember, you should always revise, revise, revise

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Amendment rights - - this article is really interesting. Would love to know what you guys think of this court case. Read the above link and share your thoughts with the class.

Reminders... for Tuesday, 5/27

There is no school on Monday, 5/26

Make sure to bring a copy of your sources and/or all information needed for a bibliography on Tuesday, 5/27. We will be working on how to write a bibliography again and it will be a good opportunity for everyone to practice this important skill.

Another really good blog...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hi guys! For your exit project, if you guys would like to do a game for one of your genres, like a crossword puzzle or a word search, you guys could go to this website and make one. I wish it would be helpful.

cross word:
Word search:
does anyone know how to put a quiz on your blog like raymond and a few other poeple did? thanks
rachel-ann <<<333

Different kinds of journalistic writing

News - hard news and soft news
hard news - breaking news, current events
soft news - feature, entertainment, less timely
In-depth feature
Sports news
Sports feature
Obituary - sign up and practice work on different kinds of journalistic writing... they have some great free workshops

Friday, May 16, 2008

Spirit Week - Monday 5/19- Friday 5/23

wear WJPS Spirit week t-shirts
pep rally in the morning
Sports Night Volley Ball game - teachers vs students

Clash day - students wear mismatched topsy-turvy outfits that incorporate the school uniform

Academic Day -
Jeopardy style games in each class
Wear clothing related to a profession of their choice (astronaut, brain surgeon, reporter), incorporating the school uniform

Old School Day- students wear clothing of a decade of their choice (60s, 70s, 80s, etc) incorporating the school uniform

Field Day
Wear your grade's color - no uniform required
We will be at the park competing in various events
Luau Dance - 6:30-9

Reminders and new benchmarks

Today by 5pm - you should have completed 4 blog posts and sent me an email making me aware of your completion.

Due on Monday, 5/19 - 2 more blog posts and a list of new sources emailed with all the old ones as well- those of you who haven't turned in a first set of sources, this is a great opportunity to catch up! If you are doing the blog posts, you have resources... why not start giving other people credit where it is due.

Due on Wednesday, 5/21 -at least 2 images should appear on your site with explanations and proper citation -

Due on Friday, 5/23 - at least 2 more blog posts (8 total) and an email making me aware of your progress. This would also be a good time for you to start requesting a conference if you haven't already

Thursday, May 15, 2008

blog question

heyy, does anyone know how to put a picture in your blog posts because i tried copy adn paste and it doesnt work. thanks rachel-ann <<33

Exemplars - Exit project - this is a link to Raymond's blog. Tomorrow in class he will be going over what his process has been like and how he has created his good work. Those of you who have been stuck, please review the work Raymond has done. - Hanlim has also done an exceptional job so far. Although different from Raymond's another good example. - Jonathan is doing great work too.

I hope viewing some of your classmates' model work will help inspire each of you.

Already behind...

Some folks are already falling behind in their exit projects... please dilligently try to stay on top of benchmarks. We have put them in place, so everyone has ample time and conference time before they are due. This is not the slack or procastinate.

Please take the work seriously.

Using Poetry as a genre for your exit projects

When selecting poetry as one of your 10 genres, please incorporate a reflection at the bottom which explains what kind of poem you've written the same way you were asked to on the slave poem project. I'd love to see you show me what you've learned by not only creating the poem, but sharing your process with me as well as letting me know it was deliberate.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

citing primary sources

Moving West

Today in class each student was split into a group that travelled west. Whether you were a gold miner, farmer, woman, native american, or railroad businessman, you left in search of something.

Which group were you a part of? Where did you travel to? Who did you travel with? How did you get there? What route did you take? What problems did you face? Why did you want to go where you were going? When you finally arrived at your destination, was it what you were expecting? What was it like?

What did you think of this experience in class today? Post to the blog... challenges and/or successes?

You will be presenting in class tomorrow in your group, so please come prepared.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Exit Project =]

I'm really having a lot of trouble finding primary source for the treaty of Paris or any other treaty. I tried to look at the websites and the books in the classroom but I can't find any =[
(if anyone can help me or find anything, it will mean a lot thank you)

Extra Info. that I had

I had this book all about statehood dates and decided that it made perfect sense with what the class 731 "mini discussion" had about how certain pieces of land later became a state of our country. So I just decided to share it with everyone.

1) Delaware- December 7, 1787
2) Pennsylvania- December 12, 1787
3) New Jersey- December 18, 1787
4) Georgia- January 2, 1788
5) Connecticut- January 9, 1788
6) Massachusetts- February 6, 1788
7) Maryland- April28, 1788
8) South Carolina- May 23, 1788
9) New Hampshire- June 21, 1788
10) Virginia- June 25, 1788
11) New York- July 26, 1788
12) North Carolina- November 21, 1789
13) Rhode Island- May 29, 1790
14) Vermont- March 4, 1791
15) Kentucky- June 1, 1796
16) Tennessee- June 1, 1796
17) Ohio- February 19, 1803
18) Louisiana- April 30, 1812
19) Indiana- December 11, 1816
20) Mississippi- December 10, 1817
21) Illinois- December 3, 1818
22) Alabama- December 14, 1819
23) Maine- March 15, 1820
24) Missouri- August 10, 1821
25) Arkansas- June 15, 1836
26) Michigan- January 26, 1837
28) Florida- March 3, 1845
29) Texas- December 29, 1845
30) Iowa- December 28, 1846
31) Wisconsin- May 29, 1848
32) California- September 9, 1850
33) Minnesota- May 11, 1858
34) Oregon- February 14, 1859
35) Kansas- January 29, 1861
36) West Virginia- June 20, 1863
37) Nevada- October 31, 1864
38) Nebraska- March 1, 1867
39) Colorado- August 1, 1876
40) North Dakota- November 2, 1889
41) South Dakota- November 2, 1889
42) Montana- November 8, 1889
43) Washington- November 11, 1889
44) Idaho- July 3, 1890
45) Wyoming- July 10, 1890
46) Utah- January 4, 1896
47) Oklahoma- November 16, 1907
48) New Mexico- January 6, 1912
49) Arizona- February 14, 1912
50) Alaska- January 3, 1959
51) Hawaii- August 21, 1959

Manifest Destiny outlines

In class today you were given a timeline and outline for the manifest destiny. Please take some time to go over the two packets.

This will provide you a solid foundation as we move through the information in it. It will also offer you an opportunity to make notes based on these comprehensive ideas.

What did you learn today about the Manifest Destiny and our westward expansion?

Post to this entry now... continue the class conversation.

Monday, May 12, 2008

For the exit proj, is a charachter profile a picture??? Is it considerded one of the ten blogs if we put a picture and then explain a little bit about it at the bottom? thx rachii

The Project Topics

I put it here so i don't have to go back to see it

Journal entries
1 act play
character profile - like a biography, offers stats and other important information. Can include a picture, but isn't just a picture. You can also do a resume with this for your person.
feature article
news article
book review
descriptive paragraph (using sensory details)
political cartoon
editorial or opinion piece
You should generate written drafts prior to posting... remember, you should always revise, revise, revise

19th Century America - excellent links and primary sources for all things 19th Century America: Westward Expansion, Women's Rights, Industrial Revolution, Civil War, etc. - another great site with good definitions and information.

Again, if you learn anything interesting and would like to share it, please don't hesitate to post.

Manifest Destiny

Now that we discussed women's right a little and the child labor issues of the early industrial revolution in the 19th century, we are going to be discussing the manifest destiny and the westward expansion in our country during this same time period. - this is all the beginning of the civil war in our country. We discussed slavery and how it divided our country, westward expansion had something to do with that. - westward expansion

Women's Rights and Child Labor issues in the 19th Century

As a support to all of the interesting information shared in class about important women during this time period and various child labor issues as well, I'd like to post a few websites to supplement class study: - women's rights and roles -women's rights and roles -women's rights and roles - there is a lot of information here - child labor issues - child labor in America

If you read anything that you think is interesting or surprising, don't hesitate to post it to this blog.

Sources Email Reminder

the deadline for the works cited - sources email is rapidly approaching. By 5:00 today I should have at least 3 websites, 3 primary sources and 2 print sources emailed to me.

For those of you still lagging, you also owe me a topic sent via email, a blog invitation as well...

The next deadline after today's sources is the first two blog posts...

Please be ready to do work on your projects in class on any day that you have 2 periods. The first period will always be used for new Social Studies work and the second period on days that you have 2 periods will be used for exit project work.

Bring your questions and materials.

Reminders for the week...

Already past due: email for topic approval, blog invitation, and first round of sources

Due this week:

Wed, 5/14 - 2 blog posts (2 different genres)

Fri, 5/16 - 2 more blog posts (4 different genres total)

Mon, 5/19 - 2 more blog posts and a list of new sources with old sources - emailed

an email should be sent to me telling me that your posts are ready to be read...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

does anyone know how to find primary sources on the internet. I forget, and what are print sources. It'll be great if you knew.

Friday, May 9, 2008

upcoming benchmarks...for the project

Due for Monday, 5/12 - preliminary works cited (3 websites, 3 primary sources, 2 print sources) - sent as an email to me at

Due for Wed., 5/14 - 2 blog posts ( 2 different genres - with proper citation) and email sent to me letting me know that I can look at your 2 blog posts

Due for Fri., 5/16 - 2 more blog posts (now 4 total - 4 different genres with proper citation) and at least 1 picture with proper citation

Due for Mon., 5/19 - 2 more blog posts (now 6 total - 6 different genres with proper citation) and at least 1 more picture with proper citation (continually update your work cited)

Blog Invitations are due

They will be considered late if I receive them after 5 today... There are many of you who haven't emailed me your topics and still haven't sent me your invitations...

Check Teacherease if you aren't sure if your topic has been emailed to me and approved. If it is still up as missing then I didn't approve your topic or you didn't email me.

Please make sure it happens soon.

Monday your sources are due (a few of them at least)

More on writing News

Newspaper writing 101
These are tips for beginners on writing newspaper articles. The were written for participants in the Detroit Free Press high school apprenticeships. (Also see Interviewing 101.)

Writing the story
A story is much like a conversation. It begins with the most interesting piece of information or a summary of the highlights and works its way down to the least interesting facts. There are words or phrases that take you from one topic of conversation to another. Before you know it, you're finished.

Inverted pyramid
You should be very familiar with the inverted pyramid style of writing. You'll likely use it every day. For example, when you call a friend to tell him or her about a big date, you begin by telling the most interesting and important things first. The least important information is saved for the end of the conversation, and depending on how much time you have to talk, that information may not get into the conversation.

That concept also applies to news stories. The lead is the first paragraph of a news story. Usually, the lead is one sentence long and summarizes the facts of the news story in order of most newsworthy to least news-worthy. The reader should know at first glance what the story is about and what its emphasis is.

Here is an example:
Bargainers from General Motors and UAW Local 160 will resume talks in Warren this morning seeking to end a day-old strike over the transfer of jobs from unionized employees to less costly contract workers.
Who, What, Where, When, Why and How ... The five Ws and an H
Depending on the elements of news value, the summary news lead emphasizes and includes some or all of the five Ws and H.
Who names the subject(s) of the story. The who, a noun, can refer to a person, a group, a building, an institution, a concept -- anything about which a story can be written.
The who in the lead above are the bargainers from General Motors and the UAW.
The what is the action taking place. It is a verb that tells what the who is doing. Reporters should always use active voice and action verbs for the what because they make the wording direct and lively.
What are the bargainers doing? The lead says they will resume talks.
When tells the time the action is happening. It is an adverb or an adverb phrase.
When will the bargainers resume talks? This morning.
Where is the place the action is happening. Again, it is an adverb or adverb or adverb phrase. In our story, the where is Warren.
Why, another adverb, explains the action in the lead. The bargainers are meeting to discuss the transfer of jobs.
How usually describes the manner in which action occurs.

The lead
The lead sets the structure for the rest of the story. If the lead is good, the rest of the story comes together easily. Many reporters spend half their writing time on the lead alone. One guiding principle behind story organization is: The structure of the story can help the reader understand what you are writing about. The structure should lead the reader from idea to idea simply and clearly. The object is to give readers information, and wow them with convoluted style.
News lead
In one of their bloodiest raids into Lebanon in years, Israeli warplanes killed dozens of Muslim guerrillas with rockets and machine-gun fire Thursday as they pounded a training camp of the pro-Aranian party of God.
Quote lead
``I have the worst job in the Army.'' This is an example of a good quote lead because the reader asks, ``What could that possibly be?''
Description lead
Penciled sketches of an air strike, complete with renderings of F14s and Patriot missiles. And on the ground, tiny people run for cover. That's how 8-year-old Jimmy Zayas pictures war in the Middle East...
Like a beauty pageant entrant, Donald Hofeditz struts his vital statistics. He curls his thumb in his waistband to show he's a size 36, down from 40. He pats his stomach where 50 pounds used to rest. And he rubs his chest about his now healthy cholesterol level of 177.
Hofeditz even relishes showing his ``before'' pictures. The pot-bellied 70-year-old in the early 1980s was unable to cut his backyard grass because of the cumbersome weight.
Bad lead
A reminder to those who enjoy good new records. The library has 22 new records which it is willing to loan out! The students are invited to come and look them over!
In the first place, the opening sentence isn't even a sentence. There are times when sentence fragments are acceptable, if you use them effectively, but that first sentence isn't one of them. Is it news that the library is willing to ``loan out'' materials? That's what libraries are for. The word ``out'' is unnecessary. And ``loan'' is an adjective or noun, not a verb. Make it ``lend.'' A better way to express the thoughts in this lead would be: Twenty-two new records have been placed in the school's lending library, the head librarian announced.
With one-sentence paragraphs consisting of only one idea -- block paragraphs -- it would be easy for a story to appear as a series of statements without any smooth flow from one idea to the next. Block paragraphing makes the use of effective transitions important. Transitions are words or phrases that link two ideas, making the movement from one to the other clear and easy. Obvious transitional phrases are: thus, therefore, on the other hand, next, then, and so on.
Transitions in news stories are generally done by repeating a word or phrase or using a synonym for a key word in the preceding paragraph. Think of block graphs as islands tied together with transition bridges of repeated words or phrases.
Direct quotes
You should use direct quotes:
an obviously authoritative voice
to answer the questions ``why, how, who, or what?''
Use a direct quote after a summary statement that needs amplification, verification or example.
Remember, a direct quote repeats exactly what the interviewee said. If you don't have a person's exact words, you can paraphrase, but you cannot change the meaning of a person's words. And when you paraphrase, you must never use quotation marks.

Putting it all together: News story
Colleagues of polio vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk said Wednesday that they are ready to mount large-scale trials of his AIDS vaccine in thousands of people infected with the AIDS virus. The Salk group, which had been criticized for promoting the vaccine without sufficient documentation, this week published the first scientific report of its results. The group's research showed that growth of the human immuno-deficiency virus slowed substantially in infected volunteers given three injections of the vaccine.

The report, in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, comes at a time when researchers are discouraged about efforts to make an effective AIDS vaccine -- either to treat HIV-infected people, such as Salk's subjects, or to prevent infection, such as classic vaccines against polio or smallpox.

``Both approaches have their problems with this virus,'' said Dr. Thomas Merigan of Stanford University, a prominent AIDS researcher. The virus' ability to elude immune defenses ``is the most powerful tool this virus is using against us now.''

Writing News:

from media awareness:
Formula for a Well-Written News Article
1. First paragraphIn your first one or two sentences tell who, what, when, where, and why. Try to hook the reader by beginning with a funny, clever, or surprising statement. Go for variety: try beginning your article with a question or a provocative statement.

2. Second/Third/Fourth paragraphsGive the reader the details. Include one or two quotes from people you interviewed. Write in the third person (he, she, it, they). Be objective -- never state your opinion. Use quotes to express others' opinions!

3. Last paragraphWrap it up somehow ( don't leave the reader hanging. Please don't say...."In conclusion" or "To finish..." (yawn!) Try ending with a quote or a catchy phrase.

Use active words (verbs that show what's really happening.)

Take notes when you interview. Write down quotes! Tell the really interesting info first!

When Writing Editorials or opinion pieces on your blog...

How to Write an Editorial

What is an editorial:
An editorial is one of the writing styles used to express an opinion or reaction to timely news, event or an issue of concern. Most editorials are used to influence readers to think or act the same way the writer does.

Not all editorials take sides on an issue but have one of the following four purposes:
1. Inform: The writer gives careful explanations about a complicated issue.
2. Promote: Writer tries to promote a worthy activity. Get the reader involved.
3. Praise: The writer praises a person or an event.
4. Entertain: The writer encourages or entertains the reader about an important issue.

Steps to writing your editorial:
Selecting: Choose an issue
~ Your editorial could be about how the readers could help the environment,inform the public about a particular endangered species, praise an effort by a group who has helped to take an endangered animal off of the endangered species list, or any other idea that can be used as an editorial...first check with your teacher to make sure it is an acceptable article.
Collecting: Gathering Support ~ Gather as many details to convince others about your opinion (use Cornell Notes). (Facts or evidence, written statements from sources or authorities in the subject (experts), comparisons to similar situations to support your argument, pictures or images that strengthen your argument, be able to counter argue your opponents on this issue.)

Connecting: Remember to brainstorm before you write the first draft ~ Body should have clear and accurate details and examples. Give strong arguments in beginning of editorial and at the end. Show the opposing arguments and their weaknesses (paragraph 2). Offer a solution at the end. Do not be wishy washy. Stick to your argument or opinion. Correcting: Getting it right ~

Your editorial should be clear and forceful.

Avoid attacking others, do not preach, paragraphs should be brief and direct.

Give examples and illustrations (quotes give strength).

Be honest and accurate.

Sample of what could go into the five paragraph editorial:
a personal experience, the thesis statement
explanation of the other side of the issue
examples to support your point of view
reasons for your point of view
the last paragraph should restate your thesis statement and end on a positive note

Work Cited:
Sebranek, Meyer and Dave Kemper. The Write Source 2000. Burlington: Write Source
Educational Publishing House, 1990

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Those of you who attended Wednesday's trip, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I feel like it was a great opportunity to learn through creating experiences of your own.

Please take some time to reflect on your experiences...

What did you learn? What did you like the best? What surprised you? What would you like to return to see at another time? Would you have liked to spend more time anywhere?

Please post to this blog.

Poetry Slam

After listening to your classmates' poetry today, what did you learn? Who's pieces stood out most? What did you enjoy about the experience?

Please post to this blog...


Your topic emails are now past due... if we spoke today in class about your topic ideas, please make sure to email me what we discussed in our conference.

Tomorrow by 5 PM - your blog invitations are due.

By Monday afternoon, your sources email are due.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Citing Pictures

How do you properly cite pictures? Thanks to whoever answers!

Raymond's Class Discussion

In class I read Chapter 25, working in iron mills. It was mostly about a group a people that had less rights than others. They said that everyone were free and worked for themselves except two groups; slaves and people who worked in factories, mines, and mills. For people who had to work in mills, they entered as young as 9 and left only when they died. They had to work 14 hours a day and 6 days a week. Just like there were abolitionists for slavery, there were also people who supported and help fight against this. A specific person mentioned was Rebecca Harding. She grew up in Wheeling and that was a place which had some industrial structures. When she grew up, she loved reading and later became a published writer. One of her most famous writings was the article she had written for a very famous magazine back then. The article was about the horrible conditions inside the iron mills. This article is famous because it helped inspire people to see the insight of the terrible things that was happening to these people. Those working in metal mills(mills for making metal, steel, iron, etc.), had to carry around vats of burning liquid, inhaled carbon monixide, and chemical vapors. Some children had to finish work that required men's muscles. Some of the work places were mentioned to be living hell because of the smell, vibration, and especially the noise. Even though this happened back then, it's still happening today. A very recent topic would be the 'slaves' working in China for very low wages. This relates because they had to work at an early age also, worked in bad conditions, and didn't get paid that much at all.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Chapter Summary

The chapter that I read was about labor in America. It spoke about how before factories opened up in America, most people only worked for themselves, mostly farmers. If these farmers were lucky, they could sell or trade their extra crops for money or whatever else they needed. When factories opened up in America, they were filled up very quickly by women and children for a very sad reason; they would work for amazingly low wages, giving up their time to support their families. This connects to the world today, because in certain countries, people will work for almost nothing at all, either because they are illegal immigrants or because they greatly need the money. My chapter had at least 3 primary documents, including a description of the paper-mills, a letter from a young working girl, and even a little bit from Harriet Tubman! Cheap labor is a very sad and unfortunate thing that tells us that some people really need help and that we are fortunate to have whatever we have. The chapter that I read taught me many interesting things!

By Jonathan P.

Rachel S's Class Discussion

I read Chapter 4 of book 6, called Harriet, Also Known as Moses. I read that Harriet Tubman as a young child went through a lot of hardships because even the simplest things, such as falling asleep, will get severe punishments like getting beaten very hard by her mistress. She became very clever, tough, brave, and had much knowledge as she grew up. Harriet ran away from her mistress, hid in a pig pen, but was forced to return back because she was starved eating only leftover potato peels. Her parents had to care for her until she was healthy again. Harriet also taught herself how to read and write, by remembering how white men and women spoke. One day a slave was escaping and her master said to go catch him, but Harriet refused to move, so the master threw a weight and accidentally hit Harriet right in the head instead. This incident made her faint and fall asleep often. Since no one would buy her in the auctions, she was put to work with the master's most trusted slave which was actually her father. Harriet's father taught her all about survival. One day she escaped in the Underground Railroad and decided to go back South to rescue her family that was left behind. She also helped in the Civil War and married a veteran of that war in the end.

I am not able to connect with this because this whole chapter was just on Harriet Tubman.

disclussion in class today

In my humanities class today, my group and I read chapter 24. Chapter 24 is about an African woman named Sojourner Truth, really tall women with allot of pride and dignity. When she heard a men talking about women being weak, Sojourner was really mad, but she claim herself down. But the men kept on talking about it and Sojourner can't take it anymore, so, she quickly disagrees and augured. She said that she was as powerful as men and eats as much too. She also said she have many more hardship that she went through, such as her children being sold out, as she cried. This speech made everyone see to her favor. Sojourner was treated badly when she was a slave before. She has 13 children and she ran away and tried to buy her children back. But her master sold one of her child before she could. It's against the law. So, she went to court and won her child back. Isabella was her real name. She changed her name to celebrate her freedom, she decides to travel around, and speak for truth and justice. When she spoke, people listen. She wore a banner with the word ''proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof'' which is also written in the liberty bell. She was invited to the white house by Abraham Lincoln and she fight for women right and black right.

Lawrence's Share of the class disgustion

I read chapter 24, A Woman Named Truth.
I read that she was a really tall black slave woman that had a lot of pride and dignity. When she heard someone making a public speech on how woman were weaker and inferior to men, she argued and spoke loudly. she told the man that she was as powerful as any man and could eat as much too. She had told the crowd that she had endured hardships that they couldn't imagine, such as crying as she watched her children being sold. this speech put tears into the listeners eyes and made them favor her. As a slave Sojourner was treated badly and soon she ran away and tried to buy her children back, but before she could, one if her children were sold, which was illegal. Sojourner Truth found a lawyer, went to court and won her child back. That told her that the court was fair and could be trusted. Isabella was her real name but she changed it to Sojourner Truth to celebrate her freedom. With her she traveled and fought for truth and justice. When she spoke people would listen and when she spoke she wore a banner that said, "proclaim liberty throughout the land onto all the inhabitants there of", which was also written on the Liberty Bell. throughout the rest of her life, she fought for womans rights and for black rights.

These are the details i read about her and i noticed that she was a very strong woman and had a powerful voice. I really cant connect this to anything I know of in todays world though.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pacing your way through the exit project... first benchmarks

Due Wed. 5/7 - email your exit project topic to me -

Due Fri. 5/9 - create a blog and invite me to it -

Due Mon. 5/12 - have a list of at least 3 web sources, 3 primary sources and 2 print sources - either up on your blog or written in your sourcebook. Make sure to have all the appropriate information for your bibliography.

Title, author, publisher, place of publication, date of publication

ela exam

What concern on my ELA EXAM is, what kind of question they are going to ask. I want to know more about the multiple choice. Is the test going to be hard? Are there going to be tricky question? I also want to know about how many question, are there going to be in the test. Are there going to be question that we learned about?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Modern Slavery

We had a very interesting discussion today about modern incarnations of slavery. You all had wonderful things to say and some of you changed your mind.

Then channel one discussed Nelson Mandela and how he fought and fights for human rights. What do you think?

Post ideas here if you didn't get to share in class.

homework for the weekend

Make sure to read the various posts about the exit project... write down any questions you have about the project for Monday. Also, if you have a topic that you are interested in, write that down too so it can be approved.


my goal this year is pretty much.
1] I need to finish my homeworks or projects on time

2] finish all my missing work

3] be more organize

4] pay more attenton in class




make up blog post

What are your goals for the rest of the school year?
To be a better writer and listen to the teacher when ever she is talking.
Also, I have to participate more.

What kinds of errors are easiest/hardest to recognize when editing your written work?
the easiest is the spellings and the run on sentences.
The hardest is the the punctuations to find.

ELA exam:
What are your main concerns for the ELA exam?
my main concern is my reading and note taking because I am very weak in it.

Which standards do you feel you've mastered so far?
Which standards do you still need to work on?
The standard I think I mastered is rewriting things and understanding my work.
Standards I think I should still work on is spelling and punctuations.

goals of the year

1. To finish the missing work i have to make up

2. To improve my grades be for the end of the year.

3. Get organized way better!


Recognizing the error of editing is hard. One of the trouble that I am facing is grammar. I also have to proofread, so I didn't get anything wrong. Editing is easy sometime because, you can realize your mistake when you write it out.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Remember a Sonnet is ALWAYS a 14 line poem with a specific rhyme scheme.
There are two different kinds of sonnets, the Petrarchan (Italian) and the Shakespearean (English).

The Petrarchan: 2 stanzas containing an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines).

Octave - abbaabba

sestet- cdecde or ccddee or cdcdee or cdcdcd

The Shakespearean: 4 stanzas containing 3 Quatrains (4 lines) and a couplet (2 lines). A real Shakespearean Sonnet follows iambic pentameter (the 10 syllables per line), but we will not hold you to this for this project as long as you are close to 10 syllables.

stanza 1: abab
stanza 2: cdcd
stanza 3: efef
stanza 4: gg

Hope this quick review helps!

Narrative Poem

The important thing to remember when creating your narrative poem is that it needs to tell a story. There also needs to be a beginning, climax and an end. Remember the slave letters that we read in class. These may help you come up with some ideas for a narrative poem.


When an object, item, word, symbol has a deeper meaning most often symbolizing something else. Symbolism is when an author uses something, such as a rose, to signify some idea. A rose, for example, could signify love or beauty.

Some more examples:
The scales to symbolize justice
A dove for peace
The rose for love, beauty or purity
The lion for strength and courage

Symbolism is the use of a person, an object, a place, or an idea to represent itself and something beyond itself at the same time. Two recognizable examples of symbolism are the Stars and Stripes on the flag; this is the symbol for the United States of America. Another well-known symbol is skull and crossbones, which we all know represent something poisonous.

Again, you do not need to show symbolism in every line of every stanza. Good Luck!


Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses an exaggerated or extravagant statement to create a strong emotional response. As a figure of speech it is not intended to be taken literally. Hyperbole is frequently used for humour. Examples of hyperbole are:

They ran like greased lightning.
He's got tons of money.
Her brain is the size of a pea.
He is older than the hills.
I will die if she asks me to dance.
She is as big as an elephant!
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
I have told you a million times not to lie!
The media and the advertising industry often use hyperbole (which may then be described as hype or media hype).

Here is a link with some fun examples of Hyperbole : )

Good Luck and remember not every line has to be a hyperbole. One or two examples per poem are fine. Just make sure to point out in your reflection what your hyperbole was and why its a hyperbole.

Makeup (concerns for the ELA test)

During the ELA test I had no concerns not becuase I knew I'd get high scores but because my stategy's always been to forget about thinking of what would happen if I Failed or how hard it will be and just do my best and relax in the days before

Words in our poems

Can we use old african words in our poems if we put the meaning of it in the back, or make a glossery?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Assessment for the DYO

You will be graded on a scale of 1 -4 (1= needs improvement, 2= approaching standards, 3=meets standards, 4= exceeds standards) on the following criteria:

  1. Followed directions completed (project has all components)
  2. Amount of information (how many sources - primary, secondard, print, internet)
  3. Quality of information (relevance)
  4. proper bibliography
  5. Clarity of writing - (proofread and revised, understands the conventions of written English)
  6. Reflection and statement of process (depth of understanding about the process of the project)
  7. adhered to the time line and was able to manage time appropriately - work is turned in a timely fashion
  8. conferenced with Ms. Sackstein prior to turning in work
  9. Understands and uses the technology appropriately and creatively
  10. Blog is attractive and creative looking
40-39 = A+
38-37 = A
36-35 = A-
34-33 = B+
32-31 = B
30-29 = B-
28-27 = C+
26-25 = C
24-23 = C-
22-21 = D+
20-19 = D
18-0 = F

DYO Assessment - Possible Standards addressed

· locate and use school and public library resources to acquire information.
· recognize that one text may generate multiple interpretations.

· preview informational texts, with guidance, to assess content & organization & select texts useful for the task
· identify the author's point of view, such as first-person narrator & omniscient narrator
· Use indexes to locate information and glossaries to define terms

· Clear concept of the main idea
· Engages the reader by establishing a context and developing reader interest.
· Support ideas with examples, definitions, analogies, and direct references to the text

· include relevant information and exclude irrelevant information.
· use paraphrase and quotation correctly.
· connect, compare, and contrast ideas and information from one or more sources.
· use graphics, such as graphs, charts, and diagrams, to enhance the communication of information.
· cite sources in footnotes and bibliography, using correct form, with assistance.
· Aware of varying writing styles and purposes. Writes in alignment with the genre specific task.

· Evaluate the validity and accuracy of information, ideas, themes, opinions, and experiences in text to:
· evaluate examples, details, or reasons used to support ideas
· identify propaganda, with assistance
· identify techniques used to persuade, such as emotional and ethical appeals, with assistance
· identify differing points of view in texts and presentations
· identify cultural and ethnic values and their impact on content
· identify multiple levels of meaning

· judge a text by using evaluative criteria from a variety of perspectives, such as literary and personal, with assistance.
· draw conclusions and make inferences on the basis of explicit and implied information
· Revise and improve early drafts by restructuring, correcting errors, and revising for clarity and effect.
· Evaluates and compares his/her own and other’s work with regard to different criteria and recognize the change in evaluations when different criteria are considered to be more important.
· Use standard English skillfully, applying established rules and conventions for presenting information and making use of a wide range of grammatical constructions and vocabulary to achieve an individual style that communicates effectively.

Social Studies
  • History of the United States and New York Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.
  • Important ideas, social and cultural values, beliefs, and traditions from New York State and United States history
  • illustrate the connections and interactions of people and events across time and from a variety of perspectives.
  • interpret the ideas, values and beliefs contained in the Declaration of Independence and the New York State Constitution and United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other important historical documents
  • describe the reasons for periodizing history in different ways.Students investigate key turning points in New York State and United States history and explain why these events or developments are significant.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Major American History topics covered

Early Americans
Early Colonization
13 original colonies
Building of a Nation
Revolutionary War
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Manifest Destiny
Westward Expansion
Women's suffrage
Industrial Revolution
Acquisition of new lands
early American presidents
early Civil War - causes of
Maps - geography - 5 themes

Possible Genres for your final blog project

Journal entries
1 act play
character profile
feature article
news article
book review
descriptive paragraph (using sensory details)
political cartoon
editorial or opinion piece
You should generate written drafts prior to posting... remember, you should always revise, revise, revise

Last project of the year - DYO - Choose your own adventure - It will be due on June 6th

It has been decided!

For your final project, you will be creating another blog... there was so much positive feedback, that I thought this format, would be a good opportunity for everyone.

There will be some different criteria - (an no official handout/assignment sheet) - this post will serve as that.

You will select a topic that we have covered this year that you have interest in and that you would like to learn more about. (the last few topics will be women's rights, manifest destiny and westward expansion, and the causes of the Civil War).
  1. You will create a new blog and invite me to it
  2. You will do some ou research with both primary and secondary sources (and create a bibliography) some of these sources will have to be print sources (not just internet sources)
  3. You will be doing multi-genre style posts not just journal entries...
  4. You will have to do at least 10 different posts of varying lengths
  5. You will have some visual representations of your topic
  6. You will have a glossary of important terms that you've come across in your research for your topic
  7. You will work alone, by yourself, not with any friends, independently
  8. You will NOT plagiarize... i.e. you will put all things in your own words and cite accordingly otherwise... use quotation marks when you borrow completely... (a good way to know if it is your idea or someone else's is to do a "brain dump" before you start... whatever is on the paper the first day is what you know everything else needs to be cited)
  9. Make sure to give the reader a good idea of what your topic is about... why should we care?
  10. You will have a reflection that talks about your experience... What did you learn? What challenges did you face? What would you do differently? What came easily? What are you most proud of?
  11. You will also have a statement of process that will walk us through your process... How did you go about the project? What standards did you address? How would you grade yourself?

DUE JUNE 6, 2008


On going assignments -
Poetry project due on Friday - yes, this Friday.

Independent reading with reading logs (to be kept in your reader's sourcebook). You should be keeping a record of your finished books - you should have 25 by the end of the school year.

Lit. cirlce books and blogs. Each group should have a blog where you discuss what you have read - specifically things that interest you and/or author's craft. Things that are confusing or cause for concern can and should be discussed too.

Check the blog daily.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sonnets - help for the project

a sonnet is a 14 line poem with a particular rhyme scheme. There are 2 general kinds of sonnets that are popular: The Shakespearean Sonnet and the Petrarchan Sonnet. They are both 14 lines, but the way they are broken down is different.

The Shakespearean sonnet (the harder one of the two in my opinion)

3 - rhyming quatrains written in iambic pentameter (5 feet, 10 syllables)

1 rhyming couplet to end the poem.

The rhyme scheme is as follows: abab cdcd efef gg

The petrarchan sonnet is split into two stanzas: an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6)

The rhyme scheme is a b b a a b b a (octave)

sestet can be any of the following rhyme schemes:

c d c d c d

c d d c d c

c d e c d e

c d e c e d

c d c e d c - This is a good site that is easy to follow.

I hope this helps... don't forget your reflection.

The project is due on Friday when we return, 5/2

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Question About Our Poems

For the poem drafts, do we need a specific font, size...etc???

Friday, April 18, 2008


I hope everyone has a GREAT vacation!!!

Does slavery still exist in America? - read this link about tomato working farm hands...

Is this slavery? What do you think?

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Please stop emailing me about assignments that are incorrect on teacherease. Some assignments take longer to grade. If you have received your work back and it is still incorrect, see me in person, with your work to show me the error and it will be corrected. Without proof, there will be no corrections.

Writing poetry - this link has some good approaches to writing poetry if you are stuck - poetry writing tips - a guide to writing poems for people who feel they can't...

Let me know how helpful these sites are.

Slavery websites

Slavery in America

Melrose Interactive Slavery Environment

Understanding Slavery:

Underground Railroad--History of Slavery, Pictures, Information
Here are some good sites on slavery.... use them to feel inspired while you write your poetry.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Goals (james)

My goals for the year are to pass with a better than a C grade. I also want to participate more and manage my time better

This is for Ms.G

My mom said the guy I was talking about today knows alot about slavery from his family.
On the ELA exams. I think that im not going to do that well. Because every time I took the ELA exams, I always get a 60 are lower.
When I edid, its kind of hard for me. Its hard for me because im a slow typer, and the fact that im not good with comeputers.
My goals for the rest of the year is to pass my grade.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Poetry Writing!

I'm still having trouble writing a poem. I have problems because when I'm going to start writing I only focus on rhyming and using words that sound smart and that makes me forget the main idea of what my poem is about. I tried to follow the Poetic Devices but I don't really understand what they mean. I kind of need help writing a poem that doesn't sound the same as the same old poems that only rhyme =)


Goals for the rest of the school year(StephanieT.)=)

My goals for the rest of the year is...
-To pass
-To try to finish all my work
-Try my best to work hard
-Try my best to stay on task, and not to talk
-Try my best to participate fully
-Try my best to not get distracted

Dear Ms. Moreno,
I tried my best to find the 2007 homework, but I have not succeed(unfortunitely) so therefore I have created my own post.

Stephanie T. 702


is posting our goals on the blog our homework?

My goals [Stacey]

My goals for this year are to:

-Pass the 7th grade ELA test.
-Read as many books as I can.
-Stay out of trouble.
-Complete all projects and assignments on TIME.
-Not be late to class.

Poetry Project

Over break, please draft your poems. You may email them to me and I will send you feedback or on Monday, please bring in some of what you've worked on. The more you do on your own, the more I can conference with you.
Let's really work on trying to revise together once the work gets done.


whats hard about editing to me is finding the commas and what doesn't go in a sentence ,but whats easy to find is what makes no sense in a sentence for example: I think George Washington is the best president.That's wrong because he is not the best president he was the best presidents because hes not alive anymore and not the president anymore.So that means you have to put was not is.

my goals

my goals or this year is :

- get good grades
-pass the 7Th grade
-not get suspend or a detention

Holiday Work will be given out on Wed.

Please read 1 book and do a written book talk to be turned in on Monday when we return.

There will be two packets handed out on Wed. that focus on drilling of English language skills. Both should be handed in on Monday when we return.

Monday, April 14, 2008


to those who participated in today's town hall at the museum of the city of NY. It was a very exciting and stressful day for all involved.

702's free speech did an excellent job in the first round, but the judges failed to see their genius. Don't worry guys (Tessa, Mike, Andrea, Taylor and Stacey), I thought you guys were great.

731's death penalty group made it all the way... congrats to Rachel Ann, Emma, Cassandra and Julian. You guys did a great job and the judges did recognize your genius.

I'm proud of everyone and we really made our school proud today. WJPS's first official win of anything.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Independent Reading Book Recommendations...

Visit the book lovers forum to see some 8th grade reading recommendations according to one school district. I know your parents were interested in some reading choices. Here they are:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hakim's metaphor

We had some confusion today about "king Cotton" - who wasn't actually a person, but a cash crop in the south.

Hakim used the metaphor "King Cotton" by comparing this crop to the king to show how it ruled the south. It took everything over and I believe she talked about how it was made by the blood and sweat of many slaves... that is the truth.

a cash crop -A crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed. Cotton replaced tobacco as the south's most prosperous crop.

It was because of cotton that slavery had a resurgence in the south during the early 19th century. In the south, that period of time is called the antebellum period (before the war (Civil war)). Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin making it quicker and easier to remove the seeds from the cotton plants which made the need for cotton picking to go faster to keep up. - this link talks all about cotton and slavery. - this site is good too. Goes all into the different developments and slavery.

Continue to consider these themes as you work on your poetry projects which are due on May 2.

702- Weekend presentation share out

Due to the firedrill and loss of time in class, each member of each group should post to this blog about what they learned in their chapter. If you we responsible for facts - post about that...

Please make sure to mention what chapter you worked from, what you learned and how it applies to the themes of slavery that you will need for your project.

Make sure to read each other's posts and make notes from people's information.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

3rd drafts of Compare/Contrast essays due tomorrow

Please bring in your 3rd drafts of compare/contrast essays with all earlier drafts. Please highlight changes in your 3rd draft. Anything added, changed and/or subtracted should be highlighted in the earlier draft.

To Be Used for Extra Credit...

If you want to finish writing and revising your senator/representative letters based on your constitutional projects, I will accept them as extra credit. I would like to send them out to the respective congress people.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiz tomorrow - Wed. 4/9

The first time we had a quiz after the treasure hunt, there was an issue with people not taking the lesson seriously. In an effort to make sure that everyone understood the material, we worked on getting the information a second way today.

You will have a quiz in class tomorrow... you will not be able to use your notes. Whichever quiz is the higher grade, that is the one that will count.

Study the packet given out... review the questions.... review your notes...


Continue reading 3 chapters a night in your lit. circle book and record your findings in your reader's notebooks. Author's craft should be your focus.

Create a blog for your lit. circle and start posting to your new group blog... please invite me to it.

3rd drafts of compare/contrast essays are due on Friday with revisions. Some second drafts lacked any real thought or revision.

The final drafts will be due on Wed. 4/16. with all other drafts attached.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Our school is very big on reflecting on work done... not just on what is done well, but what can be done differently and what has improved...

After you complete a major assignment, reflect on the job you've done in your writer's notebook. Think about how you've improved and what you will take away from the experience. What did you learn?

Compare/Contrast essays

The Compare/contrast essay that you selected to move foward with will count as a midterm assignment when the final is turned in.

You should have 3 drafts and a final draft making 4 all together.

This final draft with all other drafts attached (the other drafts will count toward your grade) on Wed. April 16th.

Lit. Circle homework

Read 3 chapters in your lit circle book and make notes about author's craft in your reader's sourcebook. All of your work will be checked when we do notebook checks during the week of April 14th.

Please make sure to bring both of your notebooks to class - April 16 - April 18.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Historical Fiction Publication

Here are a list of people who's stories I have received:

  • Ashley (not a final)

  • Lawrence

  • Adriana

  • Raymond

  • Gabby

  • Adam

  • Tessa

  • Anthony

  • Jonathan P

  • Christina P

  • Dimitri

  • Philip

  • Nina

  • Michelle

  • Kassie R

  • James B

  • Andrea

  • Yusef

  • Rachel Sui

  • Antonio (not a final)

  • Taylor

If your name is NOT on this list, then I don't have a final electronic draft of your story. Please provide one if you would like to be included in the publication.

Historical Fiction Publication

I still haven't received electronic copies of your short stories. In order for me to put together a proper publication, I need everyone to email me their work. Many still haven't.

Please make sure you send me a copy of your work via email ASAP so that I can finish putting together the 7th grade publication.

If I don't get your story via email by Tuesday, you won't be a part of the publication.

Thanks for your timely response.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Congratulations to the Constitution Project Winners... now the work begins

Congrats to:
702: Tessa, Michael, Andrea, Stacey and Taylor - Free Speech
731: Emma, Rachel-Ann, Julian and Cassandra - Death Penalty

Please email me a copy of your finished presentations ASAP.

We will meet on Monday at lunch to discuss what happens now...
Please return your permission slips no later than Monday.

TownHall is on April 14th.

Compare/Contrast draft 2

After you have selected the compare/contrast draft you want to continue on with (Washington/Adams or War of 1812/Revolutionary War)...

Write a second draft and attach the first draft... make sure to compare and contrast as discussed in class.

Second drafts of one essay are due on Monday, 4/7

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bibliography - this link will explain how to do the bibliography for books and websites...

It is really easy to understand.

I hope it helps.

Ms. Sackstein

Does anybody know the name of the author who writes our textbook?

Today's Quiz

I hope toaday everyone learned a good lesson about following directions. We asked you to look at the blog every day... we told you to bring your notes to class. We told you would need to know this information. Some of your were still surprised.ns

You will not be able to drop this grade and/or do it over. Please try to follow directions better when they are given. We do ask you to do things for a reason and we're sorry that it had to come to a quiz for each of you to get the point.

Remember, one of the standards does address the ability to follow multi-step directions. It's a listening skill.

Please post a reflection about what you learned from this experience to this blog....

Tonight's reminders

Your constitution projects are due tomorrow... please come prepared with your finished presentations... looking forward to seeing our class work.

Also, you need to have a hand written bibliography on loose leaf paper. It should include all of the sites you visited for the treasure hunt and the class text. It will count as a quiz. It is due tomorrow. For every day it is late, you will lose 5 points.