Friday, May 30, 2008

Reminders for next week

Notebook checks begin on Monday and will go through Friday- both reading and writing sourcebooks - make sure you have them in class until they have both been checked...
start date will be 4/16 -
make sure to have a complete and detailed table of contents, titled and dated pages and good notes that show you do work in class and continue thinking about work outside of class.

There is a half day on Monday, 6/2. You will be dismissed at 12:00 - (after 4th period)

There is no school on Thursday, 6/5. It is Brooklyn/Queens Day - Enjoy the day (finish last minute work on your blogs)

Exit projects are due on Friday, 6/6

Looking to the future -
Blog presentations begin the week of 6/9 and will go on until they are done... most likely Friday if not Monday

Portfolio work will be going on as well

We have another half day on Thursday, 6/12 when you will be dismissed at 12:00 again.

1 comment:

Stephanie<3 said...

Thank You Ms.Sackstein for the "Heads-up."
StephanieT. 702