Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey! I'm sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. I've been super busy! I'm visiting again tomorrow! Today I had my last checkup at the hospital! My doctors are really pleased with my progress and have scheduled one last test for some time next week. I just have to visit with my pediatrician. I now walk with a cane! You might remember that when I last visited I told you guys I hated my wheel chair and thought it was really ugly, so to make me happy my parents and sister got me a leopard print cane. It's really cool. Physical therapy is going... well. I'm still weak so it gets very tiring. Some other big news is that at the rate I'm going I should be able to go to sleep away camp. I go every summer and was very upset when I found out I might not be able to. My doctors say if I'm strong enough it would be great for me- mentally and physically. My parents have arranged for a physical therapist to visit me there 3 times a week. Thats really all for now...
- Olivia ;)

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