Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My goals [Stacey]

My goals for this year are to:

-Pass the 7th grade ELA test.
-Read as many books as I can.
-Stay out of trouble.
-Complete all projects and assignments on TIME.
-Not be late to class.


→¤♥Tayyyyeeeee_Babbbiiieee x3♥¤← said...

- to make up all my missing work
- to try to stay out of trubble (TRY)
- To stay awake in class
- To not do my projects at the last minute.
- studdy harder for test and Qwizs

→¤♥Tayyyyeeeee_Babbbiiieee x3♥¤← said...

- to make up all my missing work
- to try to stay out of trubble (TRY)
- To stay awake in class
- To not do my projects at the last minute.
- studdy harder for test and Qwizs