Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm very sorry I didn't visit today as planned. I had a last minute doctors appointment that was only scheduled last night. I'm not sure when I can come but I probably will and will notify you sometime before. The doctors appointment went well. I'm going to have an MRI sometime next week. An MRI is a medical test. You lie down on a table that goes into a small surrounding cylinder tube. You have to stay very still. It take pictures of the inside of your body. Its very loud, small, and claustrophobic! It will be my 3rd one in 2 months! I really don't like having them. Luckily, you are allowed to take a stuffed animal in and wear a blindfold. You can sleep too. They are only supposed to take a half an hour or so, although if they have to take a lot of pictures it can take longer. My first one took 3 hours!!! Can you imagine lying still for that long in a small tube? They did give me some breaks while they would change my position though. My second one also took longer than planned. Instead of the 15 minutes they told me it was about 45. Lets hope this one is much shorter. I'll post the results of the MRI when I get them. It will probably be on Monday. If not I'll tell you when.


Stephanie<3 said...

Good Luck I'm sure everything will go fine. Can't wait to see you...

Natalia said...

my grandpa had a mri he said it was horrible. glad to hear your better.=]

Ms. Sackstein said...

Feel good olivia!

Yeojin Seong said...

It must be really uncomforatable in there. I hope it finishes faster than expected. Feel Better!