Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To Sir With Love

So we watched an old movie in class today about a special teacher who helps his students understand what is really important in each of their lives... he teaches them to respect themselves and others...

What did everyone think of the movie? I hope you loved it as much as I do, but I suspect that it was a little too dated for a lot of you... curious to know what you think.

Ms. Sackstein

For class tomorrow, just bring your five dollars for the party on Thursday and nothing else... water if you would like... no other beverages.


Anonymous said...

i really liked the movie...
at first i thought the movie was boring because there was no sound and when we finally fixed it:] we rewound it i really got hooked. it was very intresting.
i liked how he stuck it out and ididnt give up on these kids.when he first came he didnt know what he was geting into. i really liked watching how they kearned so much not by using books;but actually using there minds. the one thing i REALLY ENJOYED was watching them look out for each other. at one point they acted like our class,gabby and i both looked at each other and said we act like that but we dont pull triks on you thats was just mean...
over all i really liked the movie i would have loved to watch the whole thing but my mom was waiting :\
hope every one has a great summer*:]

Jonathan P said...

Like Alexis, I did not enjoy the movie at the beginning because of the technical difuculties we werehaving with the speakers. After we got that small problem fixed though, I really started enjoying the movie. Even though the movie was a little dated, it was still really good in my opinion. Mr. Thackner was a very good person, especially considering the fact that he didn't just quit and give up on his students; he really cared for them and wanted them to be the best that they could be. My favorite part was in the end, when he ripped the job offer to become an engineer. I wouldn't mind watching that movie again! :)

Julian Oddo said...

I thought it was a great movie and even though it is dated they're are schools that look and are similar so then it could pass
for a modern movie. However it was
a great movie it was really interesting how Mr.Thackary tamed all these kids from crazy kids to generous kind people.