Thursday, October 11, 2007

7 Habits of Good Readers

As good readers each of us do things that we may not even be aware we are doing...

7 things good readers do are:
  1. monitor for meaning - when I'm confused, I slow down and try to make sense of what I'm reading.
  2. questioning the text - sometimes we need to ask questions to understand better
  3. determine importance - what am I supposed to be getting from the text? what is important to remember?
  4. make inferences - the author doesn't say something specifically, but based on the information that is given, I can make certain evalulations of what is happening. We can think of this as reading between the lines.
  5. creating mental pictures - what do I imgine when I read?
  6. activate schema - or make connections like: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world
  7. synthesize - juggle all of the others and make my own meaning out of what I read (it's the same as the second highest level of Bloom's taxonomy)

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